Clove Whole


Botanical Name:  Syzygium aromaticum

Common Name:

  • English: Clove
  • Ayurveda: Lavanga
  • Also, known as: Naeltjies, Mu ding xiang, Ding xiang, Kuidnagel, Devapushpa, Clous de girofle, Clou de girofle, Gewürznelke, Nelke, Shriprasuunaka, Shrisangya, Cingkeh, Kabsh qarunfil, Kabsh qaranful, Chiodi di garofano, Kuroobu, Shouji, Bunga cingkeh, Clavero, Clavo, Garn ploo, Hanh con, Qaranful, Laung, Devakusum, Kiraambu, Lavangam, Long, Lobongo, Karamfil, Ding heung, Mikhak, Laving, Rong, Lavang, Karampu, Karayarnpoovu, Grampu and Kirambu.

Habitat: Native to Asia

Origin:  India

Harvested: Cultivated

Parts UsedClove Buds

General Information:

The name clove, derives from the Latin word clavus, meaning “nail” because of shape resemblance. Native to the ‘Spice Islands’ of Indonesia, the dried, aromatic flower buds we know as clove. Clove is one of the most valuable spices that has been used for centuries as a spice, food preservative and for many medicinal purposes. Clove is the dried flower bud of Syzygium aromaticum. Clove is a tropical evergreen tree native to Asia. An evergreen, medium-sized tree grows to a height of about 40-50 feet, has dark-green, glossy leaves and bright-pink buds that develop into yellow flowers bearing numerous stamens followed by purple berries. The production of flower buds, which is the commercialized part of this tree, starts after 4 years of plantation. Flower buds are collected in the maturation phase before flowering. Flower buds collected twice a year when they change color from green to crimson, dried carefully and separated from their peduncles.

Cloves are unopened, sun-dried flower buds; dark brown, hard in texture and about 10-12 mm long, with the unopened petals forming a round head. The aroma is described as intensely spicy, woody, musty, fruity, and peppery. The flavor is warm, sharp, and burning, spicy, fruity, astringent and somewhat bitter with a numbing effect.

Spices as clove, oregano, mint, thyme, and cinnamon, have been employed for centuries as food preservatives and as medicinal plants mainly due to its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The oils are used in perfumes, soaps, toothpastes, and mouthwashes. It is reported that Indonesian people consume almost 65 percent of the world’s supply of cloves to make their own cigarettes by mixing it with tobacco.

This plant represents one of the richest source of phenolic compounds such as eugenol, eugenol acetate and gallic acid and possess great potential for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and agricultural applications

How to use:

As a spice.


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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