Chili Powder - Kashmiri


Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum

Common Name:

  • English: Chili pepper
  • Ayurvedic: Raktamaricha, Lankaa, Katuviraa
  • Unani: Mirch, Filfil- e-ahmar, Filfl-e-surkh, Surkh mirch
  • Also, known as: rissie, tian jiao, poivron, Spanischer Pfeffer, Chilli,Gewürzpaprika, hara mirh, paprika, pimento, pepperone, peppaa, cabai, Red pepper, Milagay, pimento, pimiento picante, phrik, biber

Habitat: Native to West Indies & Tropical America                        

Origin: India

Harvested: Cultivated

Parts Used: Fruit

General Information:

The word Capsicum, the genus of cayenne, may have been derived from the Greek kapto, meaning “to bite.” This “bite” is caused by the constituent capsaicin. The more capsaicin a pepper has, the more heat or bite to it. This amount varies greatly among species and varieties.

Kashmiri chili powder is the name given to powdered chili pepper. It is mildly hot, has a distinct flavor, and it adds a bright red color to food. True Kashmiri chilies are in high demand and since there is a short supply in India, substitutes are used to make Kashmiri chili powder. You can identify dry Kashmiri chilies by their medium size, cone shape, wrinkles, and dark red color. One of the substitutes used is Byadagi chilies. They are grown in the state of Karnataka in India. Byadgi chilies are long, deep red, mildly pungent, and wrinkled. They have more color content than any other chili in India. It is also nice to know that the least amount of pesticides are used in growing these chilies.

How to use:

As a spice


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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