Ligustrum Lucidum Berry - Glossy Privet Fruit


Botanical Name: Ligustrum lucidum

Common Name:

  • English: Glossy Privet Fruit
  • Also, known as: Nǚ Zhēn Zi,  女贞子, Broad-leaf privet fruit, Chinese privet fruit, Tree privet fruit, Wax-leaf privet fruit,  Aligustre, Chinese Linguster, Chinese Ligustrum, Chinese Privet, Dongqingzi, Chinese Wax-leaf Privet, Joteishi, Ligustro, Ligustro Ceroso, Ligustrum, Ligustrum Fruit, Ligustrum lucidum, Nu Zhen, Nu Zhen Zi, Nuzhenzi, To-Nezumimochi, Tree Privet, Troène, Troène de Chine, Troène à Feuilles Brillantes, Trueno, White Waxtree, Yojungja. 

Origin: China

Harvested: Cultivated

Parts Used: Fruit                                                             

General Information:

 Glossy privet is a plant. The ripe fruit is used to make medicine. Be careful not to confuse glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) with other species of privet such as Japanese privet, border privet, Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), common privet, golden privet, and others.



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