Tongue Cleaner - Copper



This tongue cleaner is made of pure unalloyed Copper. It is uniquely designed to make tongue cleaning an amazingly unique experience. Stimulate your tastebuds and reduce dreadful coats by gently gliding the tongue cleaner from back to the front of the tongue couple of times. 

Regular tongue cleaning keeps your tongue healthy and helps maintain fresh breath. 

  • Copper darkens with age, clean with dry cotton regularly
  • Wash it before use.
  • Copper-based; light-weight, non-toxic and user-friendly
  • Removes plaque, bacteria, and food-debris; maintains fresh breath for a long duration
  • Has non-gagging shape with optimal length; works effectively on the entire tongue surface
  • The flexible and non-porous body; prevents careless nicks 


Your tongue is delicate, so it is advisable not to press hard on your tongue with a tongue cleaner.