Pomegranate Peel Cut


Botanical NamePunica granatum

Common Name:

  • English: Pomegranate Peel
  • Ayurvedic: Daadima, Daadimba, Dadimacchada, Lohitapuspa, Dantabija, Raktapushpa, Dantabijaa, Raktakusumaa,
  • Unani: Anaar, Roomaan, Gulnaar, Gulnaar Farsi.
  • Siddha/Tamil: Maathulai
  • Also, known as:  Tubtim, Anar, Anara, Anardana, Anar-Ke-Per, Carthaginian Apple, Dadam, Dadama, Ddima, Dadimba, Dadima-Phalam, Dalima, Dalimb, Dalimba, Dalimbay, Dalimbuhannu, Dalimo, Danimma, Darakte-Naiar, Darimba, Darinko Bokra, Daru, Delima, Delum, Delun, Dhalima, Dila Dae Lok, Dlima, Ende Limau, Gangsalan, Glima Glineu Mekah, Granada, Granaat, Granade, Granado, Granatbaum, Granatum, Grenadier, Grenadillo, Granaatappel, Granatapfel, Gul Armini, Gulnar, Jaman, Jeliman, Kupchaphala, Lelo Kase, Lohitpushpaka, Madalai, Maadalai, Madalam, Madalangkai, Matalam, Mathalanarkom, Melograno, Mkoma Manga, Nar, Pomegranate, Posnar, Qsur Roman, Qsur Rommam, Quishr-Al-Romman, Quishr-Romman, Ranato, Romã, Roman, Romeira, Rommam, Roman Amruj, Romanzeira, Roumammam-Goulnar, Ruman, Rumman, Rumau, Sekiryuu-Karpi, Seog-Ryu, Seokryupi, Shajratur-Rummam, Sham-Al-Rumman, Shih Liu Pi, Shiliupi, Shukadana, Talima, Thab Thim, Thap Thim, Zakuro-Juhi, Shi liu, Zakuro, Pomegranate Peel Tea and Tap tim

Origin: india

Harvested: Wild or cultivated 

Parts Used: Fruit peel                                                                

General Information:

Punica granatum, is a deciduous shrub or small tree, erect, about 16-25 feet high, has glossy green narrow leaves and red flowers followed by dark-red fruits with thick skins containing several chambers of many seeds. It is much-branched from the base, branches slender, and branchlets often ending in spines. Leaves are simple, glossy green, opposite, oblong-lanceolate, glabrous, 2-8 cm long and 1-3 cm wide. Flowers: 1–5 at the highest leaf axil of branchlets, 1 terminal, sessile or subsessile. Calyx: 2–3 cm long, red or pale yellow; lobes erectopatent to recurved; petals round or obtuse, red or white. The edible fruit is a berry which is about 5-12 cm in diameter with a rounded hexagonal shape, thick reddish skin and around 600 seeds, each surrounded by a water-laden pulp, aril ranging in color from white to deep red or purple, the aril is the edible part of the fruit. Fruit interior is divided into compartments packed with fleshy, juicy, edible sacs that surround the seeds. The juicy sacs are edible fresh or may be incorporated into jams or jellies. Seeds are numerous, red, pink or yellowish-white, angular, wedge-shaped, about 0.5 cm long, 0.1–0.2 cm wide; taste, sweetish-sour. Fruits are hand-picked when fully ripe. Ripe seeds with their attractive bright red, fleshy, translucent arils and the red juice or concentrate produced from them have a delicious astringent, sweet and sour taste.

The pomegranate can be also divided into several anatomical compartments including seed, juice, peel, leaf, flower, bark, and root with each possessing interesting pharmacological and toxicological activities. Pomegranate comes from the Latin words pomium meaning apple.

Pomegranate has become universally popular in recent years, not only as health drink but also for adding color and flavor to many dishes. There are three kinds of Pomegranates: one very sour, the other two moderately sweet or very sweet. These are eaten as dessert after being cut open, seeded, strewn with sugar and sprinkled with rosewater. The seeds are extracted and dried in the sun for about two weeks to make anardana.The spice called anardana refers to the seeds of sour cultivars of pomegranate that are dried until they become dark purplish-brown and only slightly fleshy.

A wine is extracted from the fruits, and the seeds are used in syrups and conserves. Pomegranate jelly can be made by adding pectin and sugar to the fresh juice.

How to use:   

Decoctions are suitable for roots, barks, large seeds & berries, and other dense material. The simple way to make decoction is, in a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of dried herbs to 1 cup of water. Bring the water to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30-60 minutes. Strain and squeeze out as much as liquid as possible and enjoy!


  • You can sweeten your herbal decoctions with a bit of honey, natural fruit juice, stevia leaves powder and or licorice root powder.


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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