Red Clover Flower Cut


Botanical NameTrifolium pratense

Common Name:

  • English: Red clover
  • Unani: Ispast, Berseem, Clover 
  • Also, known as: Aasristik, Aka Kurooba, Aka Tsumekusa, Akerklee, Basim Ahmar, Beebread, Broad-Leaved Clover, Cow Clover, Creeping Clover, Cleaver Grass, Cow Grass, Hong San Ye Cao, Hong Hua San Ye Cao, Hong Che Zhou Cao, Klever Krasnyi, Klever Lugovoi, Moscino, Meadow Clover, Peavine Clover, Puna-Apila, Purple Clover, Red Clover, Red-Klover, Redo Kurooba, Ribah, Rode Klaver, Rodklover, Rodklover, Rot-Od-Kopklee, Rothe Kleeblumen, Rother Klee, Rother Wiesen-Klee, Rotklee, Rod-Klee, Triolet, Trebol, Trebol Common, Trebol Rojo, Trebol Violeta, Trefle Common, Trefle Des Pres, Trefle Rouge, Trefle Violet, Trefoil, Trevor, Trevo-Dos-Prados, Trevovioleto, Trifoglio Pratense, Trifoglio Violetto, Wild Red Clover, Wiesen-Klee, Wiesenklee, and Trepatra (Punjab).

Origin:  Albania  

Harvested: Wild

Parts Used: Flower head                                                                 

General Information:

Trifolium pratense is an herbaceous perennial plant is 0.5-2 feet tall, branching occasionally and a member of the Fabaceae family also known as the legume, pea, or bean family. Its name is derived from Latin: “tres” for three and “folium” for leaf and “pratense” for growing in meadows. Like other pea flowers, Red Clover fixes nitrogen into the soil which other plants can then absorb. 

A low-growing, common, perennial herb with ascending slender hairy stems bearing trifoliate leaves with broad, bristle-pointed stipules, the leaflets varying from ovate to obovate in outline, frequently notched at the apex and showing a pale spot on their upper surface. The small butterfly-shaped flowers are borne in ovoid heads with long or short peduncles; their color varies from magenta to whitish. Each flowerhead is about 1" across and consists of numerous flowers. These flowers are sessile, tubular-shaped, and spread outward in different directions. Each flower has 5 narrow petals that are pink or purplish pink, becoming light pink or white toward the base of the flowerhead; a rare form of this species with white petals also exists. The upper petal is slightly longer than the lower petals. The light green calyx of each flower has 5 slender teeth and it is usually hairy. The small oblong-ovoid fruit pod is retained within the withering flower and opens to shed the seeds.

Red clover is one of the world’s most important fodder crops and, along with timothy-grass, is the most important species for seeded home lawns. Red clover has been widely used in folk medicine for conditions ranging from athlete’s foot to constipation. Red clover contains isoflavones and an herbal product sold in tablet form is taken by women during and after the menopause. Young plants that have not yet flowered can be added to salads, soups and stews, although it should be used sparingly as its strong flavor can be an acquired taste. Red clover often grows on roadsides, but plants should not be picked from there for the dinner table because they contain harmful substances such as cadmium and asphalt dust.

How to use:

Hot Infusion:

The basic method for dried herbs and flower is, take 2-3 tablespoons of dried herb in a cup or teapot. Pour hot water over it and cover it with lid for 10-30 minutes. Hot water is needed to draw out the antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, flavonoids, and volatile oils from the botanicals. Strain and squeeze out as much as liquid as possible and enjoy!


  • You can sweeten your herbal tea with a bit of honey, natural fruit juice, stevia leaves powder and or licorice root powder.
  • You can make ice cubes or pops by freezing tea in ice trays or pop moulds.


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

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