Harde Fruit Cut

$8.49 CAD

Botanical NameTerminalia chebula

Common Name:

  • English: Chebulic myrobalan, Black Myrobalan
  • Ayurvedic: Haritaki, Kaayasthaa, Pathyaa, Shreyasi, Shivaa
  • Unani: Harad, Halelaa siyaah, Halelaa zard, Halelaa Kaabuli
  • Also, known as: Haritaki, Harra, Harro, Harroh, Haser, Helikha, Hezi, Himaja, Hirda, Hirdo, Hireda, Abhaya, Ahlilaj kabuli, Alalekai, Alayla, Amagola, Arabi, Aralu, Areyra, Aridadi, Aadamier chebule, Sa-mothai, Samo-thai, Shajar shiir hindi, Sirri hindi, Silikha, Siva, Sringitiga, Bal har, Habra, Hacha, Halela, Halela kabuli, Halela zard, Halileh, Halileh kaboli, Halilehsiyah, Halileh zard, Hallilaj, Harad, Harar, Harda, Hardo, Black myrobalan, Bush kaduka, Chebulic myrobalan, Chebulische Myrobalane, Divya, Ga ja, Harir, Hlilej khel, Hlijej sfer, Hokikha, Ihlilaj kabuli, Inknut tree, Inknut, Jivathi, Kabuli-harda, Hora, Kashi, Katukka, Kayastha, Kotpung-pla, Kurka, Medicine terminalia, Mirobalan de caboul, Mirobalano, Myrobalan, Myrobalano nero, Myrobalans, Kadukka, Kadukkai, Kale har, Karaka, Karakkaya, Myrobaran, Pathya, Pile har, Pilo-harde, Post-e-haleela kabli, Post-e-haleela siyah, Post-e-haleela zard, Pulo-harda, Rispiger Myrobalanenbaum, Rong mao he zi, Silikha, Suddha, Terminaalia, Vayastha, Vijaya, Yellow myrobalan, Yellow myrobalan plum, Zama, and Zangli har

Habitat: India

Origin: India   

Harvested: Wild or cultivated

Parts Used: Fruit                                                                  

General Information:

Haritaki consists of the pericarp of mature fruits of Terminalia chebula, a moderate sized or large tree found at up to about 1500 m elevations, throughout India.The tree is tall about 15-30 meter in height and up to 1.5 m in girth. It has round crown and spreading branches. The bark is dark brown with some longitudinal cracks. Leaves are ovate and elliptical, with two large glands at the top of the petiole, 5-15 cm in width by 10-25 cm in length. The flowers are monoecious, dull white to yellow, with a strong, unpleasant odor, borne in terminal spikes or short panicles. The fruit is oblong or ovoid, 2-5 cm in length, 1-3 cm in diameter, kernels 1-2.5 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter, pale yellow, rough and hard. The fruit has five lines or five ribs on the outer skin. Fruit is green when unripe and yellowish gray when ripe. Fruits were collected from January to April, fruit formation started from November to January.

Ayurveda is a 5 000 years old healing tradition rooted in ancient Indian culture and one of the most revered medicinal plants is Terminalia chebula, which exhibited a number of medicinal activities due to the presence of a large number of different types of phytoconstituents. The fruit of the tree possesses diverse health benefits and has been used as traditional medicine for the household remedy against various human ailments since antiquity. Terminalia chebula has been extensively used in Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathic medicine and has become a cynosure of modern medicine. The observed health benefits may be credited to the presence of the various phytochemicals.

According to Ayurveda there are seven varieties of Haritaki and their classification according to the shape of the fruit: 1) Vijaya, having alabu shape, used in all diseases, habitat in Vindhya mountain; 2) Rohini, round in shape, used in vrana, habitat in Zansi and other parts of Madhya Pradesh; 3) Puutanaa or Pootana, size is small, mesocarp is less, seed is bigger, externally used, habitat Sindha; 4) Amrita or Amritaa, Mesocarp is more used for shodhana karma, habitat Madhya Pradesh, and Champaranya; 5) Abhya or Abhayaa, fruit having five ribs, used in eye diseases, habitat Champaranya, Himalaya; 6) Jeevantee or Jivanti,  fruit is golden yellow, used in all diseases, habitat Himalaya; 7) Chetaki, fruit having three ribs, used as purgative. According to the size and growth or maturity of Terminalia chebula fruit, different classifications are as per below.

By the size of the fruit: 1) Survari harade-which is large, dense, and heavy about 2 inches long, yellowish brown; 2) Rangari harade- when the fruit is smaller, less wrinkled, and less furrowed than the Survari harade, in length about an inch; the epidermis is yellow; 3) Bala harade- fruit is smaller than the above two varieties, whose colour is deep brown to black; highly wrinkled, dark or brown epidermis; 4) Java harade-when the fruit is smallest of all, other characters are similar to those of Bala harade.

By the growth of the fruit: 1) Zira -when the size of the fruit is that of cumin seed; Javi-when the size  of the fruit is that of barleycorn; 2) Zangi-when the size of the fruit  is of a raisin; 3) Chini-when the fruit is greenish yellow and somewhat hard; 4) Asfer-when it is very nearly mature; 5) Kabul-when fruit is fully matured.

It is among the important three fruits used in “Triphala” an Ayurvedic medicine, which well-known name throughout the world for its health benefits.

How to use:   

Decoctions are suitable for roots, barks, large seeds & berries, and other dense material. The simple way to make decoction is, in a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of dried herbs to 1 cup of water. Bring the water to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30-60 minutes. Strain and squeeze out as much as liquid as possible and enjoy!


  • You can sweeten your herbal decoctions with bit of honey, natural fruit juice, stevia leaves powder and or licorice root powder.


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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