Chitrak Mool Powder

$9.49 CAD

Botanical Name: Plumbago rosea

Common Name:

  • English:  Leadwort, Doctorbush
  • Also, known as:  Cheeta, Chitra,Chitraka, Chita, Chitavur,Chitamulamu, Agnimatha, Tellachitra, Chita, Chitu, Chitramul, Chitraka,Chitro, Chitra, Pitaro,Chittiri, Chittita, Penchitar, Kodivel,Sheetaraj, Sheetar, Chitramula, Billichitramula, Chitra,Vellakotuveri, Kotubli, Anala, Dahana, Pithi, Vahnisajnaka, Agni, Agnika, Jyothi, Nirdahana, Sikhi, Vyala, Hutasana, ceylon leadwort, doctorbush, chitrak mool - plumbago zeylanica root, Sheetraj Hindi,                                                                              

Origin: India

Harvested:  Wild

Parts Used:  Root

General Information:

It is one of the oldest herbs which are reported to be used in Ayurveda for several disorders over thousands of years.

Plumbago rosea, commonly known as red chitrak of the family Plumbaginaceae, is a highly reputed Indian medicinal plant mentioned in Ayurvedic literature. It is a perennial shrub widely distributed in the tropics, more specifically in Southern India. The tuberous roots of the plant have been used in traditional medicine

Chitraka consists of dried mature root of Plumbago rosea, a large perennial sub-scandent shrub, found throughout India in wile state and occasionally cultivated in gardens. Leaves of Plumbago rosea are dark green in colour and are simple, elliptical with hairy margins along with alternate placement on the stem with the distance of up to 3 inches and thickness of 1.5 inches. Petioles are thin and with an approximate length of 0.5 mm and native stipules are present. Plants breed flower white in colour with diameter of 1/2 to 3/4 inch having the stalk measuring 4 to 12 inches along with a terminal raceme-type of inflorescence. Roots of Plumbago rosea are long and slightly branched with very less secondary roots, having a smooth and unbroken texture, colour of the roots is light yellow when the plant is freshly plucked out of the ground and changes to reddish brown in colour when it is dried which often initiates in the form of hard pieces. These roots are usually very strong having a bitter taste and a distinct odour with acrid.

How to use:

Powdered Herb:

There are different ways to use  powdered herb.

Food Preparation: You can add powdered herb to any super food herbal smoothie, sauces, spreads and even cookies. Also for children, you can mix powdered herb with honey or glycerin to make paste. The thicker the paste, the more potent and herbal in taste. The sweet taste of honey and glycerin will help medicine go down. This method is also known as "Electuaries".

Capsules: Encapsulating your own powdered herb at home, gives you assurance that the contents of the capsules are pure herb and no filler or any other products. These capsules can be taken with liquid.

Poultice: Poultice can be made with an herbal powder and liquid (mostly water) to form a paste which is then applied to the skin. This method is very helpful for skin conditions.

Herbal shot: Powdered herb can be mixed with water, fruit juice or other liquid to make herbal shot. 


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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