Allspice Whole

$8.49 CAD

Botanical NameEugenia pimento

Common Name:

  • English: Jamaica pepper, Myrtle pepper, Pimento, Newspice
  • Also, known as: Bahar, Bhar hub wa na’im, Allehande, Piment, Harilik pimendipuu, Vurts, Maustepippuri, Piment jamaique, Poivre aromatique, Toute-epice, Piovre de la jamaique, Piment neugewurz, Allgewurz, Nelkenpfeffer, Jamaicapfeffer, Englisches gewurz, Jamaikai szegfubors, Szegfubors, Amomummag, Allrahanda, Pepe di giamaica, Allehande, Ziele angielskie, Pimenta da Jamaica, Yamaiskaiy pjerets, Pimienta gorda, Krywddpeppar, Yeni bahar, All Spice, Allspice Essential Oil, Aqua Pimentae, Clove Pepper, Eugenia Piment, Eugenia pimenta, Jamaica Pepper, Jamaican Pepper, Piment de la Jamaïque, Pimenta dioica, Pimenta officinalis, Pimento, Pimienta de Jamaica, Poivre Anglais, Poivre Aromatique, Poivre de Jamaïque, Poivre de la Jamaïque, Quatre-Épices, Spanish Pimienta, Toute-Épice, Water of Pimento, West Pimenta Officinalis

Origin: Mexico

Harvested: Cultivated

Parts Used: Dried Fruits

General Information:

It belongs to the family Myrtaceae and its known in English as Allspice or Pimento. The name Allspice was coined by John Ray (1627-1705), an English botanist, who identified the flavor to a combination of Clove, Cinnamon and Nutmeg. The family Myrtaceae consists of a about three thousand woody species, most of which grow in the tropics.

Allspice is a small, functionally dioecious evergreen tree, 7-10 meters tall, slender trunk profusely branched at its extremities. The bark is smooth shiny, pale silvery brown, shading stripes of 25-70 cm long at intervals. Leaves are borne in clusters at the end of branches, simple, opposite, entire, thinly, coriaceous, punctate with pellucid glands, aromatic when crushed. The word pimento is derived from the Spanish word pimienta for black pepper, as allspice resembles peppercorns. It is known as pepper in many languages. However, the berries were widely known as pimienta later anglicized as pimento.

How to use:

As a spice                                                                                                                  Precautions: 

You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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