Cinnamon Chips Cut


Botanical NameCinnamomum cassia

Common Name:

  • English: Chinese Cinnamon
  • Also, known as:  Chinese Cinnamon, Cassia Bark, Tvak, Daalchini, Lavangappattai, Casse, Canéfice, Cannelle de Chine, Chinesischer Zimt, Kassie, Keishi, Keihi, Kashia, Korichnoje derevo, Kassia and Kassia korichnaya.

Habitat: Native to China, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Origin: India

Harvested: Cultivated

Parts Used: Tree bark                                                                  

General Information:

It is one of several species of Cinnamomum used primarily for their aromatic bark, which is used as a spice. Cinnamomum cassia is the most common type of cinnamon used. The product of this tree is usually regarded as a substitute for that of the Cinnamomum zeylanicum of Ceylon, which it closely resembles.

The cultivated trees are kept as coppices, and numerous shoots, spring from the roots. Their appearance when the flame-colored leaves and delicate blossoms first appear is very beautiful. The fruit is about the size of a small olive. The leaves are evergreen, oval, oblong blades from 5 to 9 inches long. The trees are at their greatest perfection at the age of ten to twelve years, but they continue to spread and send up new shoots. The bark may be easily distinguished from that of cinnamon, as it is thicker, coarser, darker, and duller, the flavor being more pungent, less sweet, and delicate, and slightly bitter.

Cassia has a stronger aroma than cinnamon, is cheaper in price, and is sometimes referred to as “poor man’s cinnamon.” Cassia bark, both powdered and in whole, or stick form is used as a flavoring agent for confectionery, desserts, pastries, and meat; it is specified in many curry recipes, where Ceylon cinnamon is less suitable.

Ceylon cinnamon sticks have many thin layers and can easily be made into powder using a coffee or spice grinder, whereas cassia sticks are extremely hard and are usually made up of one thick layer.

How to use:   

As a spice.


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