Amba Haldi Powder - (Wild Turmeric)


Botanical NameCurcuma amada

Common Name:

  • English: Mango-ginger, Wild Turmeric, Curcuma aromatica
  • Hindi:  Aam Aadaa, Mango Ginger, Mango Turmeric, Gingembre mangue, Safranwurz, Aambaa Haldar, Amba Haldi, Ama Haldi, Kapoorhaldi, Ban Haldi, Ambarasini, Huli Arseen, Curcuma amada, Aambe Halad, Ambaa Halad, Darchob, Ambiya Haldi, Karpura-haridra, Termeric, Amahaldi, Amiya Haldi, Turmaric, Gandhmul Amba Haldi , Aamba , Curcuma amada , White Turmeric, Aama Haldi, Wild Turmeric, Jungli Haldi, Jangli Haldi, Kasturi Haldi, Kastoori Haldi, Ambahaldi, Safed Haldi, Kasthuri Manjal, Ambehaldi, Mango Ginger, Haridra , Aami Haldi, Amhaldi, Mangaiinji
  • Sanskrit: Rajani, Nisa, Nisi, Ratri, Ksanada, Dosa
  • Unani: Aambaa Haldi, Daarchob.
  • Ayurvedic: Aamra Haridraa, Aamragandhi Haridraa, Surabhidaaru, Karpuraa.
  • Also, known as: Khamin, Halad, Haladi, Haldar, Haldhar, Haldi, Haldu, Halud, Haku Halu, Hardi, Haridra, Huang Chiang, Hsanwen, Hurid, Arishina, Acafrao, Arqussofar, Asabi-E-Safr, Avea, Cago Rerega, Chiang-Huang, Common Tumeric, Curcum, Curcuma, Rajani, Rame, Renga, Rhizome De Curcuma, Saffran Vert, Safran, Safran Des Indes, Skyer-Rtsa, Dilau, Dilaw, Gelbwurzel, Gezo, Goeratji, Indian Saffron, Jianghuang, Kaha, Kakoenji, Kalo Haledo, Khamin Chan, Khaminchan, Kilunga Kuku, Kitambwe, Kiko Eea, Koening, Kurcum, Kurkum, Kurkumawurzelstock, Ledar, Ladhir, Luyang Dilaw, Mandano, Manjano, Manjal, Nghe, Nisha, Oendre, Pasupu, Tumeric, Tumeric Root, Tumeric Rhizome, Turmeric, Ukon, Koenit, Koenjet, Kondin, Kooneit, Kunyit, Ul Gum, Wong Keong, Wong Keung, Yellow Root, Yii-Chin, Zardchob, Zardchubeh, Keltajuuri, Curcuma, Safran Des Indes, Terre-Mérite, Souchet Des Indes, Holdi, Kitrinoriza, Kourkoumi, Kourkoumas, Túrmerik, Kunyit, Kunir, Tamerikku, Ladar, Romiet, Lomiet, Lamiet, Khamin, Khimin, Khi Min Khun, Kunyit Basah, Gurkemeie, Marmarii, Azafrán Arabe, Uqdah Safra, Eqar Kurkma, Toormerik, Turmerig, Halodhi, Horidra,  Zouty Imbir, Sa Nwin, Sanae, Nanwin, Yu Chin, Yu Jin, Wohng Geung, Geung Wohng, Wat Gam, Huang Jiang, Jiang Huang, Yu Jin, Yu Jin Xiang Gen, Indijski Safran, Kurkuma, Indicky Safrán, Zluty Koren, Zluty Zázvor, Gurkemeje, Bsar, Geelwortel, Kurkuma, Tarmeriek, Koenjit, Koenir, Kurkumo, Harilik Kurkuma, Kurkum, Pikk Kollajuur, Lohnav Kollajuur, Arisina, Shynrai, Kang-Hwang, Keolkuma, Kolkuma, Sim-Hwang, Teomerik, Tomerik, Tumerik, Ulgum, Ulgumun, Yaingang, Machu, Kurkuma, Ostryz Długi, Szafran Indyjski; Klacze Kurkumy, Açafrao Da India, Açafrao Da Terra, Imbir Zhyoltyj, Imbir Zheltyj, Koren Kurkumy, Kurkuma, Kha Min Chan, Khamin Luang, Kha Min, Gaser, Sga Ser, Yung Pa, and Zard Chub

Origin: India   

Harvested: Wild 

Parts Used: Rhizome                                                                  

General Information:

Amba haldi also known as Mango-ginger' or 'Amra Haridra' in Sanskrit, consists of the rhizome of Curcuma amada Roxb. (Fam. Zingiberaceae). It is closely related to Turmeric with a mango taste. The powder of this fragnant rhizome is yellow in colour and has slight bitter sweet taste. The roots are carefully dried to preserve their natural aroma, freshness and most importantly its health beneficial properties. Internally, Amba Haldi has antioxidant properties, very similar to that of Turmeric and Ginger Root, for boosting the immunity. 

Amba haldi also known as Mango-ginger' or 'Amra Haridra' in Sanskrit, consists of the rhizome of Curcuma amada Roxb. (Fam. Zingiberaceae). It is closely related to Turmeric with a mango taste. The powder of this fragnant rhizome is yellow in colour and has slight bitter sweet taste. The roots are carefully dried to preserve their natural aroma, freshness and most importantly its health beneficial properties. Internally, Amba Haldi has antioxidant properties, very similar to that of Turmeric and Ginger Root, for boosting the immunity.

How to use:

As a spice.

Powdered Herb:

There are different ways to use powdered herb.

Food Preparation: You can add powdered herbs to any super food, herbal smoothie, sauces, spreads and even cookies. Also, for children, you can mix powdered herbs with honey or glycerin to make a paste. The thicker the paste, the more potent and herbal in taste. The sweet taste of honey and glycerin will help the medicine go down. This method is also known as "Electuaries".

Capsules: Encapsulating your own powdered herb at home, give you assurance that the contents of the capsules are pure herb and no filler or any other products. These capsules can be taken with liquid.

Poultice: Poultice can be made with an herbal powder and liquid (mostly water) to form a paste which is then applied to the skin. This method is very helpful for skin conditions.

Herbal shot: Powdered herb can be mixed with water, fruit juice or other liquid to make herbal shot. 


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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