Ajwain Seed Whole

$11.99 CAD
Botanical NameTrachyspermum ammi

Common Name:

  • English: Ajowan seed, Carom seed, Ajmo, Ajwain, Ajowan caraway, Ajava Seeds, Ajowan, Ajowan Caraway, Ajowan Seed,
  • Also, known as:  Ajowanj, Ajwain, Ajwan, Ameo Bastardo, Ammi Commun, Ammi Élevé, Ammi glaucifolium, Ammi Inodore, Ammi majus, Ammi Officinal, Bishop's Flower, Bisnague, Bullwort, Carum, Espuma del Mar, Flowering Ammi, Grand Ammi, Omum, Yavani.

Origin: India

Harvested: Cultivated

Parts Used: Seeds

General Information:

Ajwain is an annual, aromatic, and herbaceous plant. It is profusely branched with a height of 60-90 cm small, erect with soft fine hair. It has many-branched leafy stems, feathers like leaves 2 -3 pinnately divided, segments linear with flowers terminal and compound. The fruits are small, ovoid, muricate, around cremocarps, 2-3 mm long, with greyish brown compressed mericarps with distinct five ridges and tubercular surface. The fruits are the size and shape of parsley. The fruits have a very pungent aromatic teste and when rubbed, they evolve a strong aromatic odor resembling that of thyme. As per the conventional classification of spices, out of the five types, ajwain is classified as an aromatic spice, mostly dried fruits of which are used as spices. In any Indian kitchen, ajwain is a very common and popular spice.

How to use:


Decoctions are suitable for roots, barks, large seeds & berries, and other dense material. The simple way to make decoction is, in a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of dried herbs to 1 cup of water. Bring the water to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30-60 minutes. Strain and squeeze out as much as liquid as possible and enjoy!


  • You can sweeten your herbal decoctions with bit of honey, natural fruit juice, stevia leaves powder and or licorice root powder.


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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