Pumpkin Seed Whole

$6.49 CAD

Botanical NameCucurbita pepo L.

Common Name:

  • English: 
  • Unani: Safed Kaddu, Kumhraa
  • Siddha: Suraikayi
  • Also, known as:  Marrow, Abobora, Bitter Bottle Gourd, Bucka, Calabaza, Courge nue, Cubini, Duraffere, Dubba, Dynia, Étkezési Tök, Garten-Kürbis, Geonwomu, Ghia Kaddu, Giramonte, Giraumon, Gourd, Græskar, Guicoy, Harilik Kõrvits, Herkules-Keule, Hobakssi, Jerimum, Kabak, Kadu, Kadu I Maghrebi, Kadu I Rumikao Montini, Kaula, Kurlaru, Kumra, Kungulli, Lob-Abyad, Lob-Kar-E-Asal, Malange, Mandelgræskar, Marrow, Naahm gwa, Nan gua, Navadna Buca, Ntite, Ntsuudya, Pepokabocha, Pompion, Pompoen, Pottaigummadi, Pumpkin, Qar, Qar Maghrebi, Qar Rumi, Qara’a, Safed Kaddu, Schmuckkürbis, Shada Kumra, Summer Pumpkin, Tikva, Uritok, Zapallo, Zapayo, Zerri At L-Ger-A, Zucca Indi, Zucchette, Spargatok, Olajtok,

Origin:  Canada

Harvested: Cultivated

Parts Used: Seed                                                                  

General Information:

Cucurbita pepo, is an annual herb with climbing, creeping, or in some varieties bushy, 5-angled stems and 10-15 m long. The shallow root system is branched, growing from a well-developed taproot. The stems are scabrous and setose, branching, often rooting at the nodes. The thin leaves are simple, alternate, broadly ovate to deltoid, basally cordate, apically acute, palmately lobed with 5-7 lobes, marginally toothed, scabrous, palmately veined, 20-40 cm long, and 10-30 cm broad. Solid dark green or yellow-green or with grey-green markings. Long leaf-stalks hold the leaf blades above flowers and fruits. Flowers are large, showy, bright yellow-orange. Separate male and female flowers are borne on the same plant. Fruits are variable in size, shape, color and texture. Fruit stems are not corky and are ridged all around, widening slightly at the base. Flesh is pulpy. Fruits of wild plants are normally bitter. Seeds are smooth, oval and flattened, with one end slightly more pointed than the other. Light to dark beige.

It is important to note that the common names pumpkin and squash are used for more than one species of plant. Cucurbita pepo is a species of great economic importance, and mature and immature fruits, flowers and young leaves are used as vegetables. Cultivars such as Cucurbita pepo ‘Connecticut Field’ are grown commercially in immense quantities for making Halloween lanterns and pumpkin pies, in particular for the North American celebration of Thanksgiving.

The large seeds known as ‘pumpkin nuts’ or pepitas are also edible and rich in zinc, can be eaten raw, roasted, powdered and used as flour, or have the oil extracted and used for cooking or in salads. Pumpkin seeds are a popular flavoring in Southern Mexico; they both thicken the foods and lend a nutty flavor to them. Pumpkin seeds appear in many recipes from that region. Pumpkin seed oil is produced in greater scale only since the begin of the 20.th century. Pumpkin seed oil is extracted from pumpkin seeds that have been coarsely ground and toasted at temperatures of about 60 °C. Only by this procedure, its typical flavor is developed; pumpkin seed oils obtained by cold extraction are comparably tasteless.                

Cucurbita pepo has been cultivated for its edible fruits for thousands of years and remains a crop plant of great economic importance today. An extensive range of cultivars is available, including those grown to produce fruits for Halloween lanterns and pumpkin pies, courgettes (zucchinis), marrows, many types of squashes and ornamental gourds.

How to use:   

Decoctions are suitable for roots, barks, large seeds & berries, and other dense material. The simple way to make decoction is, in a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of dried herbs to 1 cup of water. Bring the water to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30-60 minutes. Strain and squeeze out as much as liquid as possible and enjoy!


  • You can sweeten your herbal decoctions with a bit of honey, natural fruit juice, stevia leaves powder and or licorice root powder.


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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