Guggul gum Triphala Mixture


General Information:

The plant family of Commiphora wightii is Burseraceae. The oleo-gum-resin extract that is guggul is secreted from the bark of mukul plant. Guggul preparation serves as an important formulation in Ayurveda. Guggul is the exudate of Commiphora mukul and many physical impurities get stuck to it hence Guggul purification becomes an important procedure. Mostly Guggul purification is done in a decoction of Triphala to make it usable in the treatment of various diseases. Guggul is an exudate of Commiphora mukul which is widely used in pharmaceutical industries. Due to the sticky nature of Guggul, many impurities get stuck to Guggul like Bark of the tree, mud, threads, etc. Hence the Guggul Purification becomes an important procedure. Due to purification not only impurities are removed but it also makes drug palatable, reduces any toxic properties if present and increases the potency of the drug.

Authenticated crude drugs  Haritaki, Vibhitaki, and Amalaki were coarsely powdered and mixed in equal quantities. This mixed powder called Triphla was transferred to an extraction vessel. About 8-liter water was added to the extraction vessel and mixed thoroughly.  The mixture was allowed to stand for the next  12 hours.  The content was then heated using a gas stove and gentle boiling was maintained until the drug-water mixture got reduced to one-fourth of its original volume.  Afterward boiling mixture was cooled at room temperature and the solid residue was allowed to settle down.  The mixture was strained through a muslin cloth and the solid residue was rinsed with boiling potable water.  The strained mixture was once again filtered and the filtrate was pooled to get ‘Triphala Kashaya’. The foreign matter like sand and stone were removed from guggul. One kilogram of guggul was broken into small pieces and taken in the cotton bag. It was hung in  Dola  Yantra  (an instrument used to impregnate medicine in liquids)  in two-liter of Triphala  Kashaya taken in an iron vessel.  Triphala  Kashaya was heated at a  temperature between 85 ° to 95 °C until all the guggul passed into the fluid through the cotton cloth. The residue in the bag was discarded and fluid was filtered and boiled until it was converted in the form of semi-solid mass. The mass was dried in tray dryer at 50  °C  and pounded with a  pestle in a stone mortar.



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