Burdock Root Powder


Botanical Name: Arctium lappa

Common Name:

  • English: Common or Great Burdock.
  • Also, known as: Phaggarmuul, Lappa, Lappa Minor, Thorny Burr, Beggar ’s Buttons, Clothburr, Fox’s Clote, Cockle Buttons, Love Leaves, Philanthropium, Per sonata, Happy Major, Clot-Bur, Bardana, Bardana-minor, Bardanae Radix, Bardane, Bardane Comestible, Bardane Géante, Bardane Majeure, Beggar's Buttons, Burr Seed, Clotbur, Cocklebur, Cockle Buttons, Fox's Clote, Gobo, Glouteron, Grande Bardane, Great Bur, Hardock, Harebur, Herbe aux Teigneux, Herbe du Teigneux, Lappa, Niu Bang Zi, Orelha-de-gigante, Personata,           

Origin: Ukraine

Harvested: Wild

Parts Used: Root

General Information:

Arctium lappa found in North America, from Asia and Europe, herbaceous plant that grows as tall as from 2–5 ft.; can be found along roadsides and in all vacant lots. Burdock is the common name of the genus of a flowering perennial, Arctium. This plant can be recognized by small burrs that tend to get stuck on the clothes while walking in a forest. These hooking burrs from the burdock plant, as well as its leaves and stems, have a high medicinal value. The root of burdock is known to possess strong medicinal properties, which help in the management of several disorders.

The whole plant is a dull, pale green, handsome, with large, wavy leaves and round heads of purple flowers. The stems are stout with about 3 to 4 feet and branched, rising from a biennial root,  wide spreading branches carrying alternately elongated heart-shaped leaves.

The lower leaves are very large, on long, solid foot-stalks, furrowed above, frequently more than a foot long, heart-shaped and of a grey color on their under surfaces from the mass of fine down with which they are covered. The upper leaves are much smaller, more egg-shaped in form and not so densely clothed beneath with the grey down.

The root, which should be dug in the autumn or early spring, is thick, brownish-grey externally, with white pith-like tissue inside. The root and seeds have a sweetish, slimy taste, the leaves and stems being bitter.

The purple flowers bloom in July and August, after which they dry out and the base becomes the troublesome burr. The flowers resemble thistle flowers and come out of the top of the burrs, which attach themselves easily onto any passerby.

How to use:

Powdered Herb:

There are different ways to use powdered herb.

Food Preparation: You can add powdered herb to any super food herbal smoothie, sauces, spreads and even cookies. Also for children, you can mix powdered herb with honey or glycerin to make paste. The thicker the paste, the more potent and herbal in taste. The sweet taste of honey and glycerin will help medicine go down. This method is also known as "Electuaries".

Capsules: Encapsulating your own powdered herb at home, gives you assurance that the contents of the capsules are pure herb and no filler or any other products. These capsules can be taken with liquid.

Poultice: Poultice can be made with an herbal powder and liquid (mostly water) to form a paste which is then applied to the skin. This method is very helpful for skin conditions.

Herbal shot: Powdered herb can be mixed with water, fruit juice or other liquid to make herbal shot. 


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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