Agrimony Herb Tea Bag


Botanical NameAgrimonia eupatoria

Common Name:

  • English: Common Agrimony, Agrimony Tea
  • Also, known as: Stickwort, Church steeples, Cockebur, Sticklewort, Philanthropos, Cocklebur, Burr Marigold, Stickwort, Church steeples, Cockebur, Sticklewort, Philanthropos, Cocklebur, Burr Marigold,  Agrimone, Agrimonia, Agrimonia eupatoria, Aigremoine, Aigremoine Eupatoire, Church Steeples, Churchsteeples, Cockeburr, Cocklebur, Common Agrimony, Da Hua Long Ya Cao, Eupatoire-des-Anciens, Fragrant Agrimony, Francormier, Herba Agrimoniae, Herbe-de-Saint-Guillaume, Herbe de Sainte Madeleine, Philanthropos, Soubeirette, Sticklewort, Thé des Bois, Thé du Nord, Toute-Bonne


The plant is found abundantly throughout England, on hedge – banks and the side of fields, in dry thickets and on all waste places. In Scotland, it is much more local and does not penetrate very far northward. It is also found in the borders of fields throughput Asia, Canada and the USA.

Origin: Bulgaria

Harvested: Wild 

Parts Used: Entire plant
