Lily of the Valley Leaves Cut


Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis

Common Name:

  • English:  Jacob's Ladder, Ladder-To-Heaven
  • Also, known as: Clochette des Bois, Constancy, Convallaria, Convallaria Herba, Convallaria majalis, Convall-Lily, Gazon de Parnasse,, Lily, Lirio de los Valles, Lis des Vallées, Lys des Vallées, May Bells, May Lily, Muguet, Muguet de Mai, Muguet des Bois, Our Lady's Tears

Origin: Ukraine

Harvested: Wild

Parts Used: Aerial plant                                                            

General Information:

Convallaria majalis is a perennial to 25cm in height, forming extensive colonies. Erect racemes of nodding, bell-shaped, fragrant white flowers arise with the paired, elliptic leaves. is widely known for its great beauty. With large green leaves and small, delicate flowers, these plants are a beauty to behold. However, some believe that the real beauty of the Lily of the Valley may lie in its therapeutic qualities.  Its flowers are white and it grows small red berries. Lily of the Valley is originally native to Europe, but now can be found in North America and Asia. Its leaves and flowers are harvested in the spring.

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