Agrimony Herb Cut


Botanical NameAgrimonia eupatoria

Common Name:

  • English: Common Agrimony
  • Also, known as: Stickwort, Church steeples, Cockebur, Sticklewort, Philanthropos, Cocklebur, Burr Marigold,  Agrimone, Agrimonia, Agrimonia eupatoria, Aigremoine, Aigremoine Eupatoire, Church Steeples, Churchsteeples, Cockeburr, Cocklebur, Common Agrimony, Da Hua Long Ya Cao, Eupatoire-des-Anciens, Fragrant Agrimony, Francormier, Herba Agrimoniae, Herbe-de-Saint-Guillaume, Herbe de Sainte Madeleine, Philanthropos, Soubeirette, Sticklewort, Thé des Bois, Thé du Nord, Toute-Bonne

Origin: Bulgaria

Harvested: Wild 

Parts Used: Entire plant

General Information:

The bright yellow star-like flowers are numerous and grow individually from the long, tapering stem. This erect, round, hairy stems reach a height of two feet. The many pinnate leaves, hairy on both sides and five to six inches long, grow alternatively, having three to five pairs of lanceolate toothed leaflets, with intermediate two sizes of smaller leaves. The taste is astringent and slightly bitter. The roots are woody and the seeds from little burrs, but it is not the generally known troublesome cocklebur. Agrimony has an old reputation as a popular, domestic medicinal herb, being a simple well known to all country folk.


How to use:

Hot Infusion:

The basic method for dried herbs and flower is, take 2-3 tablespoons of dried herb in a cup or teapot. Pour hot water over it and cover it with lid for 10-30 minutes. Hot water is needed to draw out the antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, flavonoids and volatile oils from the botanicals. Strain and squeeze out as much as liquid as possible and enjoy!


  • You can sweeten your herbal tea with bit of honey, natural fruit juice, stevia leaves powder and or licorice root powder.
  • You can make ice cubes or pops by freezing tea in ice tray or pop molds.


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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