Oregano Ground


Botanical NameOriganum vulgare

 Common Name:

  • English: Oregano, Wild marjoram
  • Ayurvedic: Sukhaatmaka, Marubaka
  • Unani: Marzanjosh.
  • Also, known as: Oragan, Ordinara Origano, Oregano, Oregáno, Acciughero, Aitz Belarr, Anrar, Ào Lè Gāng, Ào Lè Gāng Cǎo, Avishan Kuhi, Bantulsi, Bergminta, Bergmynte, Brauner Dost, Brauner Dosten, Buklutulgezal, Ching Chieh, Marjolaine Bâtarde, Marazolette, Marijolai, Marjolaine Sauvage, Marjolaine Sauvage Origan, Common Marjoram, Dobromysl, Dost, Doste, Gewöhnlicher Dost, Hana-hakka, Hanahakka, Harilik Pune, Satar barri, Izmir kekigi, Ngou lahk gong, Ngauh ji, Ao le gang, Niu zhi, Ao le gang cao, Herba Origani, Jakhmbuti, Kaslók, Kekik Otu, Klopovnayatrava, Kostets, Kostolomnaya Trava, Kung, Kungsmynta, Lepiodkapospolita, Loragiño, Majurano Fero, Marzangush, Materynka, Materynka Zvichajna, Mountain Mint, Thym De Berger, Tograihon, Tost, Vadmajoránna, Vild Mejram, Wild Marjoram, Mravinac, Mäkimeirami, Ngàuh Ji, Ngou Lahk Gòng, Niu Zhi, Orégano, Oreganó, Oregánó, Orégão, Oregâos, Orenga, Organ, Oreganos, Organy, Origan, Origan Commun, Origan Vulgaire, Origano, Ourego, Paprastasis Raudonėlis, Pamajorán Obyčajný, Pelevoué, Penevoué, Pot Oregano, Raudenes, Remago, Rigan, Riegnu, Rigon I Egër, Rijan, Rigoni I Zakonshëm, Satar Barri, Sathra, Sovârf, Szurokfű, Tavshava, Thérouge, Wild Oregano, Wilde Marjolein, Wilder Majoran, Winter Marjoram, Wintersweet, Maruae, Santhraa, Jangali Maruaa, Oreganum,  Sajivan, Sathra, Dziki majeranek, Lepiodka pospolita, Vild Mejram, Kungsmynta, Dosten, Duhov’i Tsvet, Dushita, Dushitsa, Dziki Majeranek, Echter Dost, Erba Acciuga, Fekete Gyopár, Frauendost, and Gemeiner Dost

Origin: Turkey

Harvested: Cultivated

 Parts Used: Leaves                                                             

General Information:

Origanum vulgare, is a perennial herbaceous plant, which grows up to 100cm tall and 25cm wide. Genus name probably comes from the Greek words oros meaning mountain and gamos meaning beauty in reference to the physical appearance of this plant which is sometimes native of mountain areas where it is appropriately referred to as “beauty of the mountain”. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, long, oval and usually slightly toothed and are sweetly scented. Leaves are 10-40mm long and 5-20mm wide petiole hairy, about one fourth as long as the leaves, green on the top and paler underneath. Stems, erect, woody at the base, branched, quadrangular, hairy, often violet or purplish-green. Flowers, labiate type, generally bisexual, sometimes just female flowers with immature stigmas. The inflorescence is many-flowered, white to reddish purple in color, grouped into short dense lateral or terminal spikes. The corolla is white to purplish, 5-10 mm long, and has two lips. The calyx is five-toothed. Each flower has four stamens.

The white-flowered Greek form O. vulgare is the best for culinary use. The whole plant has a strong, peculiar, fragrant, balsamic odor and a warm, bitterish, aromatic taste, both of which properties are preserved when the herb is dry. Oregano is an important herb in Greek and Italian cuisine, the dried form having more flavour than the fresh leaves. To ensure that the flavor is retained, the dried product is not powdered but broken into small fragments. The flavor of oregano varies according to cultivar, environmental conditions and time of year. Perhaps the dish most widely associated with oregano is pizza. Oregano gives the classical pizza aroma, the pungent, thyme-like smell familiar to anyone who regularly eats Italian-style pizzas.

How to use:

As a spice.

Powdered Herb:

There are different ways to use powdered herb.

Food Preparation: You can add powdered herbs to any super food, herbal smoothie, sauces, spreads and even cookies. Also for children, you can mix powdered herbs with honey or glycerin to make a paste. The thicker the paste, the more potent and herbal in taste. The sweet taste of honey and glycerin will help the medicine go down. This method is also known as "Electuaries".

Capsules: Encapsulating your own powdered herb at home, give you assurance that the contents of the capsules are pure herb and no filler or any other products. These capsules can be taken with liquid.

Poultice: Poultice can be made with an herbal powder and liquid (mostly water) to form a paste which is then applied to the skin. This method is very helpful for skin conditions.

Herbal shot: Powdered herb can be mixed with water, fruit juice or other liquid to make herbal shot. 


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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