Bael Fruit Powder

$9.99 CAD

Botanical Name: Aegle marmelos

Common Name:

  • English: Billi, Bhel
  • Sanskrit: Sriphala
  • Unani: Bel
  • Also, known as: Billu, Bilva, Bela, Vael, Bael Fruit, Shaandilya, Bilum, Baela, Bill, Koovalam, Koovilam, Rudrajataa, Vilvam, Maredu, Shailuusha, Sadaaphala, Bilum, Bengal Quince, Bilvaphal, Shalya, Japanese bitter orange, Maaluura, Wood apple, Golden apple, Stone apple, Rudranirmalya, Shivajataakhya  

Origin: India

Harvested: Wild 

Parts Used: Fruit

General Information:

Aegle marmelos a tree, attaining a height of 12 m growing wild and also cultivated throughout the country in dry, open forests on hills and plains at altitudes around 1200m also cultivated throughout India. It has a reputation in India for being able to grow in places that other trees cannot. Bael powder is consists of the pulp of entire, unripe or half-ripe fruits; the rind of the fruit is removed and pulp is bruised and dried. Fruit, sub-globosely, 5-18 cm in diameter, externally greenish when young,

yellowish-brown when ripe, rind about 1.5-3 mm thick, hard and woody, surface and is not splitting upon ripening. Inside there are 8-15 sections filled with aromatic orange pulp, each section with 10-15 flattened-oblong seeds, bearing woolly hairs and each enclosed in a sac of adhesive, transparent mucilage that solidifies on drying. Numerous hairy seeds are encapsulated in a slimy mucilage.

It takes about 11 months to ripen the fruit on the tree and can reach the size of a large grapefruit and even larger. The shell is so hard it must be cracked with a hammer or machete.

The fibrous yellow pulp is very aromatic. It has been described as tasting of marmalade and smelling of roses, although tangy and slightly astringent in some varieties.

How to use:

Powdered Herb:

There are different ways to use powdered herb.

Food Preparation: You can add powdered herb to any super food herbal smoothie, sauces, spreads and even cookies. Also for children, you can mix powdered herb with honey or glycerin to make paste. The thicker the paste, the more potent and herbal in taste. The sweet taste of honey and glycerin will help medicine go down. This method is also known as "Electuaries".

Capsules: Encapsulating your own powdered herb at home, gives you assurance that the contents of the capsules are pure herb and no filler or any other products. These capsules can be taken with liquid.

Poultice: Poultice can be made with an herbal powder and liquid (mostly water) to form a paste which is then applied to the skin. This method is very helpful for skin conditions.

Herbal shot: Powdered herb can be mixed with water, fruit juice or other liquid to make herbal shot. 


You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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