Arnica Flower Whole (Mexico)


Botanical NameHeterotheca inuloides

Common Name:

  • English: Mexican Arnica
  • Also, known as: Camphor weed, Arnica del pais, Mountain arnica, Wolfs bane, Leopard's bane, Mountain tobacco,  Arnica Mexicana, False arnica, Telegraph weed, American Arnica, Arctic Arnica, Arnica angustifolia, Arnica chamissonis, Arnica cordifolia, Arnica des Montagnes, Arnica Flos, Arnica Flower, Arnica fulgens, Arnica latifolia, Arnica montana, Arnica sororia, Arnikablüten, Bergwohlverleih, Doronic d'Allemagne, European Arnica, Fleurs d'Arnica, Foothill Arnica, Heart-Leaf Arnica, Herbe aux Chutes, Herbe aux Prêcheurs, Hillside Arnica, Kraftwurz, Leopard's Bane, Mountain Arnica, Mountain Snuff, Mountain Tobacco, North American Meadow Arnica, Plantin des Alpes, Quinquina des Pauvres, Souci des Alpes, Tabac des Savoyards, Tabac des Vosges, Twin Arnica, Wolf's Bane, Wolfsbane, Wundkraut, 

Origin: Mexico

Harvested: Wild

Parts Used: Whole Flower

General Information:

Heterotheca inuloides is commonly known as “Mexican arnica” and it is known by other names in different regions of Mexico. In Mexican traditional medicine the infusions of this plant are mainly used for treatment of contusions and bruises. Arnica Mexican is a perennial plant that can reach 15 to 20 inches in height. This plant has simple leaves that are alternate. This plant has very similar uses to those of Arnica montana (Arnica Romania or European Arnica), which is the species more commonly used both in Europe and the United States. Both Romania (European) and Mexican arnica belong to the daisy or sunflower family, although their active principles are not all the same.

Due to toxicity, Arnica flower should only be used externally.

Arnica is a essential for every herbal first aid kit, especially for the active individual, sports enthusiast, or weekend warrior. You should not use arnica on broken skin. This is because the flower has toxic effects. Just as you shouldn’t take it internally, you shouldn’t expose it to areas where it can come into contact with your bloodstream. Carefully inspect any area of the skin before you apply arnica flower or cream to it to make sure that there's no broken skin. It can be helpful in healing a wound more quickly so you can get back on your feet and back to your life more quickly and with less pain.


Any species of Arnica (including this one and or similar, such as for example Arnica montana ) should not be taken internally, due to their potential toxicity, especially by small children, and patients suffering from heart disease.

DO NOT ingesting any herbal product or supplement that contains arnica during pregnancy and lactation.

Discontinue any external application of arnica products at the first sign of inflammation or skin irritation.

Arnica preparations may cause allergic reactions, especially in people sensitive to other plants belonging to the daisy family, such as ragweed and feverfew, for example.

Do not use arnica products for prolonged treatments.

You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

All information on this website is for educational purpose ONLY

This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Avoid self-diagnosis and self-medication: Always be on the safe side!