Alfalfa Seed Whole


Botanical NameMedicago sativa

Common Name:

  • English: Alfalfa, Lucerne
  • Ayurvedic: Vilaayatigawuth, lusan, lasunghaas
  • Unani: Barsem
  • Also, known as: Buffalo Herb, California clover, Luzerne, Mu su, Medica, Purple medic, Feuille de Luzerne, Grand Trèfle, Herbe aux Bisons, Herbe à Vaches, Lucerne, Luzerne, Medicago, Medicago sativa, Phyoestrogen, Purple Medick, Sanfoin

    Origin: USA

    Harvested: Cultivated, As a farm crop

    Parts Used: Seeds

    General Information:

    Alfalfa is also called as a Buffalo herb, is an extraordinary storehouse of vital vitamins and mineral and phytonutrients including vitamins A, D, E, K, and the full range of B; biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, digestive enzymes, blood builder and chlorophyll. and. Also, being very high in protein, especially when dried. No wonder Alfalfa is the superior herbal choice for vitality & well-being! 

    Alfalfa is a name everyone has heard, but few know much about it other than the fact that it's a plant. The alfalfa plant is primarily native to Asia, and is considered to be one of the first known herbs to mankind. It is often used for feeding animals as it has the highest nutritional value of all the hay/forage crops. The word alfalfa is derived from Arabic, specifically the phrase "al-fac-facah", which literally means "Father of all foods" because it is so rich in essential nutrients. Clearly, ancient ancestors considered alfalfa to be vital to their everyday lives. They used it not just for their own consumption, but to feed their livestock and to better fertilize their agricultural lands due to its abundance of vitamins and minerals. Although it originated in Asia, it is now extremely common in the USA, Europe, Canada.

    How to use:

    Alfalfa ‘sprouts’ are grown from seeds in shallow tray and contain 150 percent more protein than wheat or corn. Daily rinse with water, they can germinate to about half inch in height when they are chopped and used in salads.


    You should consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

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    This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada.

    This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.